This documentary was commissioned by the Spanish Tolkien Society. The initial intention was to meet two objectives that have been carried out satisfactorily. First, the documentary aims to be, in its brevity, a serious approach to the figure of J.R.R. Tolkien, his life, work and sources of inspiration, given the lack of audiovisual material for the same purpose, especially in Spanish. Secondly sought to inform about the Spanish Tolkien Society, both in terms of its activities and its overall performance. The following is a fragment and the beginning of its script.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, a rather anonymous professor at the University of Oxford, probably today would be completely unknown if he had not created a literary epic and mythological universe. In Middle-Earth, his best known invented world, take place his major works: The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. It is undoubtedly an reflection of our world: the turbulent twentieth century which Tolkien witnessed at first hand. But it is a creation that links to our past, to our roots and to the traditions that have been woven the European culture and largely the universal one. Tolkien's work is committed and consistent with itself and recovers the myth and fantasy for readers in a time like the present, so attached to reality. From his grave in Wolvercote cemetery in Oxford, where he lies since 1973, Tolkien still claim his mythical conception. He rests with his wife and on his tombstone are their names and those of the characters whose personalities they assumed in The Silmarilion: Beren and Luthien. But who were Beren and Luthien? What evocative places they head us? With what companionship they lead us? ....
This documentary examines the main events of the biography of JRR Tolkien and particularly those related to the years in which his life discoursed in the city of Oxford. Somehow the description and analysis of these events serve to get a complete view of the author and his motivations at the time of completing the development of the literary world. The following is an excerpt.